Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"Lets Take A Journey And Discover The Bible Together"

Men have expressed to me a desire to read the Bible and to connect with God regularly but they just don't know how to go about it. Or they could use some motivation to get started.
Does this Sound like someone you know?

Let me ask you a question, between work, church, and your family and with so many other responsibilities that we have, Question: When and Where do you find time to read God's Word.
The answer to this question is we have to make time. In order for us to have a relationship with God we have to spend time in his word. He has so many things he wants to teach us and tell us, and God does that through his WORD. You will see that if we take time to spend in his word your life will start to change. And the way we act and react in life will be different.

As Christians this is a necessity, most of us desire to grow closer to God. But in this busy world we live in we just have a hard time finding the time. Does this sound like someone you know??

So I started wondering, would it help you if we could do it "together" several days a week for a month or so? We could all follow a plan I'd provide so we're all reading the same portions of scripture at the same time. I'm thinking maybe we'd move through each of the main men of the Bible. Then we could come here and check it off our to-do list by posting an "I'm done" once we've completed the day's reading.
Then we can even share in the comments any questions, insights, or reactions we have to the readings. That way we can also learn from one another after we've read the text and reflected on it ourselves.
Along the way I would post some comments, some study helps.

So guys what do think, is this something you would be interested in?? And would this be something that would keep you accountable to growing in God's Word.
So join in and lets get started. Post a comment if you are interested.

The Lord has blessed you and made you a blessing.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I am not a guy, but you know I was thinking, i would like to learn more about the men of the bible too.
so lets see how it goes ok!
